KBC Ministries:
Food Pantry...
JOY Senior Ministry...
* Taking trips, which have included:
> Lewis Ginter Gardens in Richmond
> Tangier and Rappahannock River Cruises
> Local museums
> Yorktown
> Williamsburg shopping and lunch
> Lancaster Players performances
> Concerts and picnics
* Other meetings have included:
> Showing Christian movies and Sight and Sound Theater performances
> Speakers on various topics
Meals on Wheels...
Missions Committee...
* Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
* Baptist World Alliance
* Baptist Theological Seminary in Richmond
* Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
* Interfaith Service Council
* Boys and Girls Club of the Northern Neck
* Habitat for Humanity
* The Haven Shelter & Services
* Rappahannock Legal
* Northern Neck Free Health Clinic
* Hunters for the Hungry
* Hispanic Missions
* Sara Gray Watkins Mission in Panama
* Source of Light Orphanage in Haiti
Radio and YouTube Ministry...
Woman's Missionary Union (WMU)...
* learn about missions
* support missions
* develop spiritually toward a missional lifestyle
* engage in mission action and witnessing
* participate in the work of the church and the denomination
Food Pantry...
- The KBC Food Pantry provides quality, nutritious food to those in need throughout our local community.
- We partner with the Healthy Harvest Food Bank in Warsaw. We also partner with USDA that provides food through two government programs: The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) and the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) for those who meet the income and age guidelines. We also thank the wonderful support we receive from our volunteer team, along with support from other local churches and organizations who provide food and monetary donations.
- The Food Pantry is open from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. New clients in need are always welcome.
- Please call the church office at (804) 435-1703 if you have questions or an emergency need.
JOY Senior Ministry...
- The Just Older Youth (JOY) Senior Ministry is open to all senior members of KBC and any other senior adults in the community. JOY ministers and provides fellowship to seniors with various activities such:
* Taking trips, which have included:
> Lewis Ginter Gardens in Richmond
> Tangier and Rappahannock River Cruises
> Local museums
> Yorktown
> Williamsburg shopping and lunch
> Lancaster Players performances
> Concerts and picnics
* Other meetings have included:
> Showing Christian movies and Sight and Sound Theater performances
> Speakers on various topics
- JOY meets at 10:00 a.m. on the 4th Tuesday of each month. Date may change due to date of trip or activity. Call the KBC office at (804) 435-1703 or check the church bulletin online for any changes.
Meals on Wheels...
- KBC volunteers, in coordination with Bay Aging, deliver nutritious meals to homebound seniors. Meal deliveries include friendly visits and safety checks from the volunteers. Receiving meals enables seniors to remain healthier and live in their homes longer.
Missions Committee...
- This committee coordinates the provision of financial assistance to local persons in need with THE LINK, a local non-profit organization that works directly with persons in need and coordinates the provision of financial support provided by churches in Northumberland and Lancaster Counties. If you need financial assistance to cover your overdue rent, electric, water, gas, or car repair bills, contact THE LINK directly at 804-480-0394 for assistance.
- The Missions Committee directs donations to state and local organizations including:
* Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
* Baptist World Alliance
* Baptist Theological Seminary in Richmond
* Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
* Interfaith Service Council
* Boys and Girls Club of the Northern Neck
* Habitat for Humanity
* The Haven Shelter & Services
* Rappahannock Legal
* Northern Neck Free Health Clinic
* Hunters for the Hungry
* Hispanic Missions
* Sara Gray Watkins Mission in Panama
* Source of Light Orphanage in Haiti
- In addition, the Missions Committee actively seeks ways to address community needs, such as hosting Red Cross blood drives, mowing and trimming overgrown yards for persons unable to maintain their property, and occasional handy-man services.
Radio and YouTube Ministry...
- The Sunday Worship Service is broadcast over radio station WKWI Bay 101.7 FM at 11:00 a.m. Tune in if you're not able to attend in person. (There is a one-week delay in the recorded broadcast.)
- The service is also provided on YouTube. Just search or subscribe to Kilmarnock Baptist Church, Kilmarnock, VA to watch/listen to the service.
Woman's Missionary Union (WMU)...
- Kilmarnock Baptist Church has a very active WMU which is open to all women in the church. We have six areas of mission focus:
* learn about missions
* support missions
* develop spiritually toward a missional lifestyle
* engage in mission action and witnessing
* participate in the work of the church and the denomination
- Our outreach is wide and varied from a birthday party for nursing home residents, dinner for the doctors at the Free Health Clinic, cookies for teacher appreciation, providing Christmas for the orphans in a home in Kenya, Africa, supporting an orphanage in Virginia, supporting our missionary in Panama, supporting the Christian ministry education program in Myanmar, collecting Bibles for the prison chaplain, raising money for disaster relief, and supporting our church food pantry. These are just a few of the projects that we have worked on over the years.
- We provide educational materials to our members such as the Mission Mosaic. We have programs about missionaries of the past and those of the present, learning about their work and how they responded to God's Call. We keep the congregation informed of on-going mission opportunities , and welcome their support and input.
- We hope to inspire church members to want to know more about on-going mission projects, and to be challenged to greater awareness of the needs which surround all of us. We hope to instill a desire to grow in faith, and practice what it means to live a missional lifestyle on a daily basis.
- The WMU meets at 10:30 a.m. on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.